The ancients listed the filial piety as the first thing of ethic, blazoned forth that the carnality was worst in all of evil and the filial piety was best in all of benevolence. The ancestor worship ceremony of Hu’s Family was comparatively scared and ceremonious, all of people who had surname Hu would centralize at Benshi Hall to worship the ancestor in the fifth of January of Chinese lunar calendar. They kept to teaching of the deceased of forefather.
It was the day for worship ancestor Hu Sangong in the fifth of January of Chinese lunar calendar. The branch of Hu’s family would centralize at Benshi Hall to worship Hu Changyi in the fifth of January of Chinese lunar calendar, at the same day, the offspring would worship Hu Lianggong in 13th January of Chinese lunar calendar. The representative would worship seven experts on book of changes who lived in Song and Yuan Dynasties.
Folkways and customs passed down generation by generation. At present, worship ceremony celebrates annually three times. Respectively, pay respects to ancestors at their tomb at Tomb-sweeping Day and worship ancestors in the half of July and in the twenty-fourth of December of Chinese lunar calendar.
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