The Entrance Ticket for Xidi Village
The Entrance Ticket: 104RMB each person
The Group Ticket: 5% discount above 40 persons
Free Ticket: the child in the height below 1.2 meters, the Elder in Anhui Province above 70 years, the Handicapped in 1 to 4 grades (show the valid certificate)
Half-price Ticket: the Juvenile in the height above 1.2 meters, the full-day student, the Active Army, the Handicapped in 5 to 8 grades, the Elder above 60 years (show the valid certificate).
* The Entrance Ticket can visit all of scenic spots in Xidi village (but not include second consumption).
* The Entrance Ticket can not be altered, transferred, returned, each visitor must take the ticket when enter the village (not include the one who has a priority).
* The business hour is from 08:00 to 18:00.
* The ticket is valid on purchase date, and used one time only. Please pay it again if you enter into the village any more. It is invalid if the subsidiary ticket is brushed off.
* Visitor who has a priority must show the ID card or passport and the child must measure the height on the spot.
Service Tel:+86-559-5154030 / 5155444 | Fax:+86-559-5155333 |
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